امروز : 23 اسفند 1403
دکتر فاطمه عطوف
فرصت مطالعاتی کشور سوییس
دکترای تخصصی آمار حیاتی

توضیحاتی از فرصت مطالعاتی کشور سوییس
1st international meeting- Basel (Switzerland)-2019
Researchers involved in international TAILR study met in-person for the first time. There were discussions for two days for developing the research protocol and methodology.
From Iran’s team people who were present: Dr. Fatemeh Atoof, Maryam Ahmadi Shad
2nd international meeting- Basel (Switzerland)-2021
During these two days meetings, different topics were discussed. The data collection procedure, the plan for training people who are involved in data collection in each country, suggested methods of data analysis were discussed.
From Iran’s team people who were present: Maryam Ahmadi Shad, Mohammad Hossein Khorasanizadeh
3rd international meeting- Bochum (Germany)-2022
In this meeting some preliminary results from TAILR-DE (Germany) were shared and discussed. Furthermore, there were some discussions about how to enter, manage and monitor the data in Castor (a cloud-based platform for data storage in TAIL study). 
From Iran’s team people who were present: Maryam Ahmadi Shad, Mohammad Hossein Khorasanizadeh
4th international meeting- Stockholm (Sweden)-2023
This meeting mainly was about exchange the results from all sites. There was a presentation about nurse staffing results of Iran by Maryam Ahmadi Shad. All the team provided constructive feedback. Challenges and questions about data collection were presented and discussed as well.   
Virtual participants: Dr Fatemeh Atoof, Mohammadhossein khorasanizadeh
Maryam Ahmadi Shad:
Born in 19.10.1991, she studied bachelor of nursing in Kashan university of medical sciences in 2011-2015. She worked as a nurse in cardiac care setting while continuing master degree in medical-surgical nursing in the same university in 2015-2018. She worked on her master thesis entitled” Direct and Indirect nursing care in Critical Care units: an observational study. She continued her career as a part-time nursing instructor in the nursing faculty and then as a full-time faculty member in department of Social medicine for overall 5 years. She started her PhD at the Institute of Nursing Science in University of Basel, Switzerland in 2021. Her main filed of research is about patient safety and quality of care. Her PhD topic is specifically about “Crowd working in Nursing in Switzerland”. This topic investigates the use of temporary nurses and its association with patient nursing-sensitive outcomes. She is also a collaborator of TAILR international study which is a longitudinal observational study in Switzerland, Sweden, Germany and Iran investigating nurse staffing and its association with nursing-sensitive events.